ENT& Head and Neck Surgery is a Surgical branch in which we diagnose diseases of Ear, Nose & Throat and we also deal with Tumours of Head and Neck.
Diseases of Ear like, Impacted Wax, Glue Ear (Serous Otitis Media), Ear Drum Perforation (CSOMTubo-Tympanic), Chronic Discharging Ear(CSOM Attico-Antral Disease, Sudden Hearing Loss, Age Related Hearing Loss, Otosclerosis (A genetic hearing disease),Glomus Tumours, Vertigo, Meniere’s Disease, Vestibular Migraine, etc. many of which can be treatedmedically or surgically if required.
Diseases of Nose like Deviated Nasal Septum, External Nasal Deformity, Allergic Rhinitis, Chronic Rhino-sinusitis, Nasal Polyposis, Nasal Tumours like Inverted Papilloma, Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma, schwannoma,Esthesioneuroblastoma, etc. Other condition of Nose like Choanal Atresia, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, etc are also dealt here. Advanced Skull Base Procedures like Orbital Decompression, Optic Nerve Decompression,Transnasal CSF Leak Repair, Transnasal Transphenoidal Pituitary Surgery are also performed herewith Neurosurgery and ENT Team working together.
Diseases of Pharynx (Throat) like Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Peritonsillar Abcess, Para-pharyngeal or Retropharyngeal abcess are also treated. Diseases of Larynx (Throat) such as Vocal Cord Nodule, Cyst, Polyp, Vocal Cord Palsy, Spasmodic Dysphonia, Puberphonia, Larygneal Papilomatosis, Etc are also treated.
Diseases of Head and Neck like Parotid Tumours, Thyroid Tumours, Branchial Cyst, Fistula, Thyroglossal Duct Cyst and Fistula, Carotid Body Tumours, Paragangliomas and Schwannomas are also treated here. In addition to the above procedures Head and Neck Malignancy are also dealt here like Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Oral Cavity, Pharynx, Glottis, etc. Nasal Malignancy like Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, etc.
The ENT Superspeciality Clinic has one of the finest Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon in the City of Cuttack with more than 1000 surgeries done and is committed to providing individualized medical and surgical care to people.
Our otolaryngologist work closely with other specialists to provide coordinated, comprehensive care for hundreds of people each year. Depending on your situation, your ENT doctor might collaborate with experts in audiology, endocrinology, speech pathology, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, dermatology, allergy and immunology, neurology, plastic surgery, pulmonary medicine, oncology and other areas as needed.
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